Do urban parks include areas dedicated to biodiversity conservation? It is not the norm, but thanks to the Interreg Sudoe Fleurs Locales project and the collaboration of Fundación Global Nature with the city council, in the Malilla Garden there are three different plots that are being used to evaluate three seed mixtures. Through monthly visits we monitor what is happening and take an inventory of the plants, as well as making a count of pollinators.

After planting in the winter of 2021-22, spring came, and we could see that the germination rate of the seeds was extremely high. We observed that the flowers attracted up to 75% more pollinators than the surrounding plots. In the summer we continued our observations and found that the plants produced seeds which were deposited on the plots.

In 2023, we will check whether the plant mixture has the capacity to reseed itself for at least one more year. Now, in the middle of winter, we see that many of the species that dried out in summer are growing back from the seeds of their parents.

What will we find in spring? We will continue to conduct a monthly inventory of plants and a count of pollinators, in order to have the most concrete results possible.