Ecological-botanical walk to the Picoto Urban Park (Braga), open to the general public, in the company of two national specialists, Carlos Aguiar (IPB) and Paulo Alves (Floradata) in flora and vegetation. Learning while walking, like the ancient Greeks, is the right way to get to know the flora and vegetation, key knowledge in ecological restoration and the use of indigenous flora in parks and gardens. On this tour, the two scientists spoke about the native plants found along the way.

Target audience: secondary and university students and teachers and the general public | Venue: Parque Urbano do Picoto – Braga | Meeting point: North entrance to the Gualtar campus, Braga | Transport: Free bus to the Picoto Urban Park forest area | Activity date: November 24 | Duration: 2h I Schedule: 1:45 pm I Number of participants: 40 Responsible researchers: António Teixeira, Carlos Aguiar, Teresa Carita, Hernâni Gerós, Paulo Alves.