par Fleurslocal | Oct 26, 2021 | News
The Fleurs Locales project seeks to lay the groundwork for reclaiming degraded spaces with native seeds and flowers that generate biodiversity. But businesses and beneficiaries can take many forms and interests. We spoke to Christophe, an organic goat and sheep farmer...
par Fleurslocal | Oct 15, 2021 | News
On September 24, the ‘Fleurs Locales’ project participated in the European Researchers’ Night thanks to CBMA, a Portuguese partner belonging to UMinho, a university that conducts regional, national and international research. It is a research unit that integrates...
par Fleurslocal | Oct 5, 2021 | News
‘Fleurs Locales’ promotes the restoration of biodiversity through local seeds, mobilizing actors from three countries: Spain, France and Portugal. To ensure realistic results of this research, fieldwork is carried out with pilot farms whose public and private owners...
par Fleurslocal | Sep 5, 2021 | News
Reaching our target audience is essential for the development of the project. To this end, the sectoral media is a great ally, as it brings together an audience already interested in these issues. This is the case with the ‘Fleurs Locales’ strategy, which, although...
par Fleurslocal | Mai 19, 2021 | News
A seed is much more than just the origin of a plant, a flower or a food. A seed is the beginning of life and is capable of significantly influencing the recovery of degraded soil to the point of converting it into a living space capable of offering an entire...
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